About Us
Inspired by the incredible challenges the whole world experienced in 2020, Fair Twenty One Boutique was founded in July of 2021. While recovering from a broken ankle in May of the same year, I was reflecting on how I could bring some kind of happiness into peoples lives. It was at the beginning of December while shopping for the Holidays that I discovered a beautiful line of children's apparel and couldn't resist the cuteness of them and ... I bought quite a bit to give as Christmas gifts. Then, one day before New Years, I was sitting in the living room and heard my granddaughters playing, they were laughing quite loud and giggling, when I turned around to look at what was all the giggling about, I saw them, they twirling and just having a great time going around and around in their Twirly dresses! that was an AHA moment for me because I realized that wearing beautiful, comfortable clothes can bring people some happiness!! We at our family business Fair Twenty One Boutique, are committed to look everywhere for trendy, comfortable & affordable clothing for the whole family, and, to give you an amazing hassle-free shopping experience!
With Love from Minnesota,